Smart vCard India


Seamless Networking Solutions for Enterprises & Teams

Boost Your Team’s Networking Efficiency: The All-in-One Business Card for Forward-Thinking Organizations Worldwide.

Track, Observe, and Oversee Your Teams.

Leverage our platform to optimize your teams' networking endeavors.

Admin Panels for Streamlined Management.

Unified Team and Card Management: Simplify with a Single Tool.

Performance Metrics Tracking Made Easy.

Effortlessly Collect, Compare, and Report Individual or Team Data.

User Profile Management.

Fill, Sync, Update, and Lock Team Member Profiles.

Seamless Team Monitoring:

Categorize Members by Group, Department, or Location.

NFC Business Card Teams and Businesses

A Game-Changing Upgrade

Marketing Team

Protecting Your Information with Excellence

Sales Team

Human Resources

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Smart vCard's Seamless Solution

Effortless Contact Sharing with Smart vCard

Seamlessly Share Contact and Social Information with Smart vCard, Faster Than a Handshake.

* No Apps Needed to Receive Your Details with Smart vCard.

teams and businesses
teams and businesses

Lead Management

Leverage Smart vCard for seamless information exchange via tapping. Effortlessly collect and share data with potential leads sent to multiple CRM apps.

Get Started with Smart vCard.

Streamline Creating, Distributing, and Managing Digital Business Cards Across Your Team to Seamlessly Share Important Company Info.

Smart vCard

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Job Description

Responsibilities and Duties

Required Experience, Skills and Qualifications

Job Type: Full-time

Hiring Inquiry Form

If you would like to find out more about the positions available, please complete and submit this inquiry form

Job Description

Responsibilities and Duties

Required Experience, Skills and Qualifications

Join us as a Social Media Manager and help us create impactful online experiences, amplify our brand’s voice, and foster authentic connections with our audience. Apply now and be a vital part of our growing marketing team!

Job Type: Full-time

Hiring Inquiry Form

If you would like to find out more about the positions available, please complete and submit this inquiry form

Job Description

Responsibilities and Duties

Required Experience, Skills and Qualifications

Job Type: Full-time

Hiring Inquiry Form

If you would like to find out more about the positions available, please complete and submit this inquiry form